Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Music and Me

So a post or so ago, my good pal Holly let me know that
"many people HATE when music starts when they open a blog."

Well, Virginia, I did take into account the attitude people take toward music players on blogs.  In the end, I decided to include a music player anyways for the following reasons:

1) I like being mediocre.
     I'm not trying nor do I want to have 1000+ people obsessively refreshing this page every five seconds for their doses of Beccian awesome.  I've never been a consistent updater (unless you count Twitter, July-November 2009) and I'm not planning on changing that aspect of myself.

2) I miss being bombarded with music
     Unless you were either A) born after 2000 or B) listening to Mommy and Daddy [or C) living in a cave until 2008], one of your first online community experiences was probably Myspace.  I was one of those twelve-year-old myspacers!  And one of my favorite experiences was being able to customize my page and create a playlist of music that my friends would appreciate.  I think these early experiences is why I even bother with Blogger today.
      I also liked discovering music off of other friends' pages.  These guerrilla music attacks introduced me to many artists that have shaped my auditory preferences today (for better or for worse).
     I want to whet people's musical appetites with a whatever song interrupts their scheduled programming.

3) Music is an excellent basis for a relationship
      I've made so many friendships that began with the discovery of a musical commonality. If someone stumbles across this page and after 15 seconds shouts, "OMG, I love this song!", than I have found myself a potential new friend.
     And if they hate the song?  Then as they scroll down through my page (which I limited to only two days of posts) to mute the player and they see a photo or a quote that catches their attention and I get a reaction like, "I watch that show, too!" or "Rimbaud is my hero!", than there are still potential friends to be made!

    And if neither my music nor my posts attract them, than this is not the blog for them.


Monday, May 9, 2011

Where the Washing Machines are

I found the washing machine back ground I had been searching in all the wrong places for!

Me and washing machines have a troubled past together.  They're the reason why I hate laundromats.  But I suppose that is because I don't understand washing machines.  At the end of all this, we'll probably get married.

So I realized that this blog used to be a very colorful place before I abandoned it.  So I have resolved to take it up again!  Yay me!

Here's a picture from Community's latest episode, A Fistful of Paintballs:

(Yay! Adding pictures to Blogger just got easier! Thank you, Blogger gods!)

I am so happy they did another paintball episode!

Josh Holloway was super awesome (and hot) as "the Black Rider."  This episode has replaced Modern Warfare as my favorite episode of Community!

And Annie (as Abed said) was pretty awesome this episode, too.

You can catch the aforementioned episode here. And there is a corresponding second episode coming out this Thursday, so catch it on NBC (after you take the AP World History exam).

Okay, back to the world of academia slave labor.

Oh, and if you are reading this and you owe me a comment but you don't know what to comment upon:
Please critique the design and settings of Eieie! Thanks!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Script Frenzy

This is probably more stupidly scheduled than NanoWriMo, Seriously, the month where people are cramming for final exams?
So because of that, I'm not going to participate. I have AP World History to worry about! I parents are going to throw those 100 pages of nonsense back in my face!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dreams of Beijing

I would kill* to be in a foreign exchange program there.  Mainly because I have romantic ideas of what Asian big cities are like (except for the one that I've actually been to, i.e. Manila). Partly because I've wanted to go to a boarding school since the fifth grade (i.e. Le Rosey).
Which all stems from a band obsession (i.e. the Strokes).
None the less, I wanna go to Beijing!

Due to this (and a plethora other factors), my Script Frenzy creative noodles has been going crazy (ew).

And yet, I still don't know what to do for Script Frenzy. I'm not even sure how to write an entire story in script form. Heck, I've never written a story in novel form.

Weeeeel, I'll give my ideas later. 'Til then, have a good Spring Break!

*possibly maim

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tsunami and Stuff

At least the dolphins will be safe for now.

I know: "insensitive." I should be thinking about the plight of all those homeless people and the potential dangerous effects of the damaged power plants.

Take this guy for instance:

Kawaii! The poor thing was to sleep out in a public place,probably because his home was destroyed by the earthquake and then swept out to sea by the tsunami.

At least he doesn't have go to school.

What?! There are plus sides to disasters.

For example, this is pretty cool:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Art Evolution

Me on a good day (jk, sorta)
... or devolution, if you don't like Contemporary Art. I, however, am slowly learning to accept it.

I have Giant Robot magazine to thank for that. From video game cars to Visitor Q, this magazine as really introduced me to pop and Asian culture that I otherwise wouldn't touch with a 39 and a half foot pole.

Unfortunately, my library doesn't seem to carry any other magazines like Giant Robot, which sucks because I'd also like to get my hands on a copy of Juxtapoz. I guess this calls for dragging myself over to B&N's. (I really hate buying materials that are over $5...)

Picture: "02nd Defeat" © Rob Sato

Sheer awesomeness

I got an Android! And I found the Blogger app just a minute ago, so now I can blog and such! I downloaded the official version because the Droid one seemed to get reviews that were either one star or five stars. But the ecstatic reviews are telling me that there are more features on the Droid version, so I might switch over if I feel particularly confined by this.

Expect many more postings from here on, especially about my adventures with my new phone (I am considering whether or not to name it)!

Holly and I are back in writing mode with the long anticipated Misadventures and another smut (a hetero this time).  More details to come!
Oh, and Script Frenzy is just around the corner and I think I'll dedicate to the Lavi and Matsu story (as I'm intending it to be a graphic novel the far distant future).

Until then, I've got a math grade to raise.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

Becca (counts on fingers): March, April, May-

Emily: June, July August! You've learned your months, Becca!

Becca: THREE months 'till summer break, you jerk!

Yes, spring is almost here. Which means summer is almost here. Which means FREEDOM is almost here. Just three more months. And a week. But we don't usually do anything productive during that last week, so: three more months. J

One of these days, I'll finish these other two posts I have half done (one of which is the last 'Asian movies' post). Maybe I could just paste the two halves together.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Asian Movies: Hero (英雄)

Yes, another Jet Li movie. But this time, he's Nameless! So I can keep calling him Jet Li. :D

My sister and I were very much amused by the colors. They battled in red. But no, they battled in blue. Actually, they wore white!

White. Purity? Truth? Or death? (This is a Chinese movie.)

Check it out! They're wearing green now!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Asian Movies: Kiss of the Dragon

So I first watched this movie a million years ago and I've been a fan of martial arts flicks ever since. You could say it's my guilty pleasure, although I'm not really ashamed of it. :D

I was probably six or seven, sitting in some shack in the Philippines watching it from a VCR (Oi, technologie ancien) and begging "Uncle" (probably some fourteen year old neighbor or my eleven year old cousin) to replay it. I've never forgotten the part where he [Jet Li] inserts the needle into Richard neck and talks about what will happen to him.

"The blood from your whole body goes to your head... it stops there... never comes down. But soon, it will come out of your nose, your ears, and even your eyes... and then... you will die... painfully..."

I still don't know Jet Li's character's name. I just call him Jet Li.

Didn't his hair just look awesome in this movie? 8D

So, kids don't blog anymore?

Because of this, I shall now increase my blog posting rate. That, and the fact that I have no access to Twitter these days. I miss you, Steven!

Too bad I have absolutely nothing to blog about. I could complain about how much school is a torture chamber, but everyone knows that.

Aha! I watched Asian movies over the weekend! I could talk about that! Good idea, Becca!


Again, I'm at the "Por que?!" stress check point of the semester. Seriously, the four day weekend was not nice to me. Or rather, I wasn't very nice to it. I'm pretty much just waiting around for Spring Break to be up and here already. But everything under the sun is a waste, anyways.

comic from xkcd,com

Friday, February 11, 2011

What the hell am I doing?

I just caught myself on the admissions page for my hometown's university. What the hell is driving me to even think about applying in this town? Shoot, in this state?

I thought myself and I already had this conversation. We aren't staying here, Rebecca. We're going far, far away and never coming back.

So, yeah. I'm looking forward. 8D

Here, have some art:

photo courtesy of MOMA

I think he'd be one of our characters in NxD. I'm not sure if he's N or D. Both? Vote.

Hey, Holly! If you're reading this, this guy has a nose like your's!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I love getting interviewed. I think it's because I love it when the school newspaper comes out, I highlight every section contributed by me, and then toss it aside. I'm so fucking self-centered, Ilove it. I think it's like the whole premise for my blog.

Another thing I like: math jokes.

comic courtesy of xkcd.com/849
I will now proceed to White Collar.

There is no okay way to pronounce Uranus.

Seriously. Try it.

Pigs in a blanket

... are delicious. Good breakfast stuff. What's better than pigs in a blanket? Pigs in a blanket with syrup.

Anyways, I have about 3 and a half hours of quality episode time to catch up on (I finished watching Burke's Seven yesterday after school, but the next episode just came out on Hulu). See what happens when you get behind? I know, it's the best. :D

I have faithfully re-addicted myself to the MIT blogs, although I already talked to myself about not applying there. Bad news: I'm must be relapsing. Good news: I read somewhere (more like, "the sentence ran past me as I was scrolling down") that relapsing is vital to the rehabilitation process.

Yeah; to destroying it! Snort, snort.

See ya later.

Monday, January 24, 2011


How ya been? Had a nice weekend? Good! Good. Good. Good.

Well, I'm so tired (again) I could throw up. But I will survive! Because Anthropology is in another forty-five minutes or so and, so far, Anthropology has left a good impression on meh. Nudity and racist jokes! Oh, yeah!

Do ever get the impression that your teacher hates you? Yeah. And I hadn't even fallen asleep yet. Injustice.

Weeeell, I'm reading through random articles from Psychology Today and I've managed to muddle myself over whether I'm introverted (as I previously believed) or I'm extroverted (as my ability to gain steam over the course of a party seems to suggest). A mongrel offspring of the two? Psychology Today has also got me questioning whether I should conform to the American ideal of beauty (or at least make a French effort). Goddamn you, you crazy people people! I was contentedly shy and ill-groomed up until a half hour ago! Now you want me to reflect upon these things and make conscientious decisions?!

Two points from introvert. That sounds like I just punished a Hogwarts house. Two points from Indrovyrtpaw!

The announcements for candidates in the upcoming (although it seems so far away) 2012 race has also become a source of amusement. Donald Trump. Mitt Romney. Some other guy. I bet $5 with my Dad that Trump won't win (I think Obama is still popular enough, dude, he's Obama).

Later days.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Projects, the Holidays, and Stuff

So, I spent the last four days gradually building back my school-going stamina. My, how I hate school. But with school back in session, so are the writing projects between my friends and me. Here they are:

The Cat and Lavi Tales by Becca, Sarah, and Emily
In truth, it's still untitled, seeing that Emily has yet to make the introduction of her own character, Rosalyn. Will it me called The Cat, Lavi, and Rosalyn Tales? I don't know. Although the plot is pretty insignificant and the alternations between the explicitly stated POV's are pretty typical among internet teen fiction, I refuse to give any details until we find a suitable place of publication (but if you wish to read the beginning chapters that have yet to be updated with revisions, you can visit Sarah's blog). But I will tell you this: it involves a town on the coast of northern California, shape shifters, fortune tellers, vampires, and demons.

The Yaoi by Becca, (Sarah,) Holly, and Emily
Also untitled, this is piece of work is a testimony to what three fan girls do with notebooks and black ink when you confine them to the school campus on the last day before the Christmas festivities after having been deprived of their life force during finals week. It's about a lawyer and a grateful client. When/If we post this, the names will be changed to protect the innocent. :D

LaKami by Becca and Sarah
A future manga (although, I've been thinking about making it a webcomic) still in the works. We have a basic summary for about 80% of the main plot and we definitely expect a bunch of arcs and extras. It'll be very shojo but set in San Francisco, so it's kind of an American take on shojo but may not turn out to be very American at all. The story is basically about three friends who open up a maid café and how the business develops and affects their friendships, futures, and (of course) love lives. Expect development art over the next four months.

My Birthday
Weeeell, I turned 16 last week on the tenth. How am I faring? I feel as though my mom is just pissing herself in anticipation to send me off. Seriously, what kind of present is a California ID? But I did get other presents: acrylic paints, brushes, a comfy pillow, a hamburger shaped USB, some hair clips, and a big-ass gummy bear (that I am using as a dvd bookend until I get especially in the mood for gummy goodness).

Which leads me to Art: the acrylic paints! The Rowney kind from Walmart. But paint is paint, me love! So far, my experimentation time takes place in the dead of the night (which may explain the intro for my last post). I have some good ideas for an illustration poster for LaKami, but I'll save those for this summer. I'm also hoping to get something done for Sandra's birthday in March (since she's been requesting something in black and white for some time, and so far I've gotten the hang of using the black paint) and something for Holly's birthday in June (her much anticipated illustration of her and Harry Potter making out). Things are looking up in the art department.

One last thing: art contests.

Doodle 4 Google is until March 2, so redesign the Google logo according to your fantasy career/life plans.

The 2nd Annual First Amendment Cartoon Contest is hosted by the Judiciary of California and Constitutional Rights Foundation. Draw a one panel or short comic about this year's topics: freedom of assembly and the press (I think).

Go forth and conquer.

My eyes will soon fall out of my skull

I need to get my sleep schedule all figgurred out. Hmm... What time should I wake up in the morning to avoid sleeping through second period lecture?

I'm surprised English didn't send me back to the vampires.

Hot Indian vampire:

Photo courtesy of India Forums

Does this make me sound like a demented Twilight fanatic? Cuz I just really like Anmol from Bidaai. He looks like a vampire. :3 I'm glad he gets back together with that one chick in the end. Spoiler? Not if you have any idea of what I'm talking about. If so: chances are you're Indian. Namaste!

I totally don't know anything in Hindi. I had to google that.
