Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Music and Me

So a post or so ago, my good pal Holly let me know that
"many people HATE when music starts when they open a blog."

Well, Virginia, I did take into account the attitude people take toward music players on blogs.  In the end, I decided to include a music player anyways for the following reasons:

1) I like being mediocre.
     I'm not trying nor do I want to have 1000+ people obsessively refreshing this page every five seconds for their doses of Beccian awesome.  I've never been a consistent updater (unless you count Twitter, July-November 2009) and I'm not planning on changing that aspect of myself.

2) I miss being bombarded with music
     Unless you were either A) born after 2000 or B) listening to Mommy and Daddy [or C) living in a cave until 2008], one of your first online community experiences was probably Myspace.  I was one of those twelve-year-old myspacers!  And one of my favorite experiences was being able to customize my page and create a playlist of music that my friends would appreciate.  I think these early experiences is why I even bother with Blogger today.
      I also liked discovering music off of other friends' pages.  These guerrilla music attacks introduced me to many artists that have shaped my auditory preferences today (for better or for worse).
     I want to whet people's musical appetites with a whatever song interrupts their scheduled programming.

3) Music is an excellent basis for a relationship
      I've made so many friendships that began with the discovery of a musical commonality. If someone stumbles across this page and after 15 seconds shouts, "OMG, I love this song!", than I have found myself a potential new friend.
     And if they hate the song?  Then as they scroll down through my page (which I limited to only two days of posts) to mute the player and they see a photo or a quote that catches their attention and I get a reaction like, "I watch that show, too!" or "Rimbaud is my hero!", than there are still potential friends to be made!

    And if neither my music nor my posts attract them, than this is not the blog for them.


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