Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dreams of Beijing

I would kill* to be in a foreign exchange program there.  Mainly because I have romantic ideas of what Asian big cities are like (except for the one that I've actually been to, i.e. Manila). Partly because I've wanted to go to a boarding school since the fifth grade (i.e. Le Rosey).
Which all stems from a band obsession (i.e. the Strokes).
None the less, I wanna go to Beijing!

Due to this (and a plethora other factors), my Script Frenzy creative noodles has been going crazy (ew).

And yet, I still don't know what to do for Script Frenzy. I'm not even sure how to write an entire story in script form. Heck, I've never written a story in novel form.

Weeeeel, I'll give my ideas later. 'Til then, have a good Spring Break!

*possibly maim

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