Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Script Frenzy

This is probably more stupidly scheduled than NanoWriMo, Seriously, the month where people are cramming for final exams?
So because of that, I'm not going to participate. I have AP World History to worry about! I parents are going to throw those 100 pages of nonsense back in my face!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dreams of Beijing

I would kill* to be in a foreign exchange program there.  Mainly because I have romantic ideas of what Asian big cities are like (except for the one that I've actually been to, i.e. Manila). Partly because I've wanted to go to a boarding school since the fifth grade (i.e. Le Rosey).
Which all stems from a band obsession (i.e. the Strokes).
None the less, I wanna go to Beijing!

Due to this (and a plethora other factors), my Script Frenzy creative noodles has been going crazy (ew).

And yet, I still don't know what to do for Script Frenzy. I'm not even sure how to write an entire story in script form. Heck, I've never written a story in novel form.

Weeeeel, I'll give my ideas later. 'Til then, have a good Spring Break!

*possibly maim

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Tsunami and Stuff

At least the dolphins will be safe for now.

I know: "insensitive." I should be thinking about the plight of all those homeless people and the potential dangerous effects of the damaged power plants.

Take this guy for instance:

Kawaii! The poor thing was to sleep out in a public place,probably because his home was destroyed by the earthquake and then swept out to sea by the tsunami.

At least he doesn't have go to school.

What?! There are plus sides to disasters.

For example, this is pretty cool:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Art Evolution

Me on a good day (jk, sorta)
... or devolution, if you don't like Contemporary Art. I, however, am slowly learning to accept it.

I have Giant Robot magazine to thank for that. From video game cars to Visitor Q, this magazine as really introduced me to pop and Asian culture that I otherwise wouldn't touch with a 39 and a half foot pole.

Unfortunately, my library doesn't seem to carry any other magazines like Giant Robot, which sucks because I'd also like to get my hands on a copy of Juxtapoz. I guess this calls for dragging myself over to B&N's. (I really hate buying materials that are over $5...)

Picture: "02nd Defeat" © Rob Sato

Sheer awesomeness

I got an Android! And I found the Blogger app just a minute ago, so now I can blog and such! I downloaded the official version because the Droid one seemed to get reviews that were either one star or five stars. But the ecstatic reviews are telling me that there are more features on the Droid version, so I might switch over if I feel particularly confined by this.

Expect many more postings from here on, especially about my adventures with my new phone (I am considering whether or not to name it)!

Holly and I are back in writing mode with the long anticipated Misadventures and another smut (a hetero this time).  More details to come!
Oh, and Script Frenzy is just around the corner and I think I'll dedicate to the Lavi and Matsu story (as I'm intending it to be a graphic novel the far distant future).

Until then, I've got a math grade to raise.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy March!

Becca (counts on fingers): March, April, May-

Emily: June, July August! You've learned your months, Becca!

Becca: THREE months 'till summer break, you jerk!

Yes, spring is almost here. Which means summer is almost here. Which means FREEDOM is almost here. Just three more months. And a week. But we don't usually do anything productive during that last week, so: three more months. J

One of these days, I'll finish these other two posts I have half done (one of which is the last 'Asian movies' post). Maybe I could just paste the two halves together.