Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Asian Movies: Hero (英雄)

Yes, another Jet Li movie. But this time, he's Nameless! So I can keep calling him Jet Li. :D

My sister and I were very much amused by the colors. They battled in red. But no, they battled in blue. Actually, they wore white!

White. Purity? Truth? Or death? (This is a Chinese movie.)

Check it out! They're wearing green now!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Asian Movies: Kiss of the Dragon

So I first watched this movie a million years ago and I've been a fan of martial arts flicks ever since. You could say it's my guilty pleasure, although I'm not really ashamed of it. :D

I was probably six or seven, sitting in some shack in the Philippines watching it from a VCR (Oi, technologie ancien) and begging "Uncle" (probably some fourteen year old neighbor or my eleven year old cousin) to replay it. I've never forgotten the part where he [Jet Li] inserts the needle into Richard neck and talks about what will happen to him.

"The blood from your whole body goes to your head... it stops there... never comes down. But soon, it will come out of your nose, your ears, and even your eyes... and then... you will die... painfully..."

I still don't know Jet Li's character's name. I just call him Jet Li.

Didn't his hair just look awesome in this movie? 8D

So, kids don't blog anymore?

Because of this, I shall now increase my blog posting rate. That, and the fact that I have no access to Twitter these days. I miss you, Steven!

Too bad I have absolutely nothing to blog about. I could complain about how much school is a torture chamber, but everyone knows that.

Aha! I watched Asian movies over the weekend! I could talk about that! Good idea, Becca!


Again, I'm at the "Por que?!" stress check point of the semester. Seriously, the four day weekend was not nice to me. Or rather, I wasn't very nice to it. I'm pretty much just waiting around for Spring Break to be up and here already. But everything under the sun is a waste, anyways.

comic from xkcd,com

Friday, February 11, 2011

What the hell am I doing?

I just caught myself on the admissions page for my hometown's university. What the hell is driving me to even think about applying in this town? Shoot, in this state?

I thought myself and I already had this conversation. We aren't staying here, Rebecca. We're going far, far away and never coming back.

So, yeah. I'm looking forward. 8D

Here, have some art:

photo courtesy of MOMA

I think he'd be one of our characters in NxD. I'm not sure if he's N or D. Both? Vote.

Hey, Holly! If you're reading this, this guy has a nose like your's!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I love getting interviewed. I think it's because I love it when the school newspaper comes out, I highlight every section contributed by me, and then toss it aside. I'm so fucking self-centered, Ilove it. I think it's like the whole premise for my blog.

Another thing I like: math jokes.

comic courtesy of
I will now proceed to White Collar.

There is no okay way to pronounce Uranus.

Seriously. Try it.

Pigs in a blanket

... are delicious. Good breakfast stuff. What's better than pigs in a blanket? Pigs in a blanket with syrup.

Anyways, I have about 3 and a half hours of quality episode time to catch up on (I finished watching Burke's Seven yesterday after school, but the next episode just came out on Hulu). See what happens when you get behind? I know, it's the best. :D

I have faithfully re-addicted myself to the MIT blogs, although I already talked to myself about not applying there. Bad news: I'm must be relapsing. Good news: I read somewhere (more like, "the sentence ran past me as I was scrolling down") that relapsing is vital to the rehabilitation process.

Yeah; to destroying it! Snort, snort.

See ya later.